Day 59: Ansible Project.

Day 59: Ansible Project.

What is Ansible?

  • Ansible is a software tool that provides simple but powerful automation for cross-platform computer support. It is primarily intended for IT professionals, who use it for application deployment, updates on workstations and servers, cloud provisioning, configuration management, intra-service orchestration, and nearly anything a systems administrator does on a weekly or daily basis.

  • Ansible doesn't depend on agent software and has no additional security infrastructure, so it's easy to deploy.

How Ansible Works?

  • Ansible works by connecting to nodes (clients, servers, or whatever you're configuring) on a network, and then sending a small program called a Ansible module to that node. Ansible executes these modules over SSH and removes them when finished.

  • SSH keys are the most common way to provide access, but other forms authentication are also supported.

Ansible Architecture: Nodes and Modules

  • Ansible's Architecture is based on the concept of a control node and a managed node. The platform is executed from the control node where a user runs the ansible-playbook command. There must be at least one control node; a backup control node can also exist. The devices being automated and managed by the control node are known as managed nodes.

  • Ansible automates Linux and Windows by connecting to managed nodes and pushing out small programs called Ansible modules. Ansible executes these modules, which are the resource models of the desired system state, over Secure Socket Shell (SSH) by default and removes them when finished.

  • Ansible modules are written in Python and can be written in any language. Ansible modules are reusable, standalone scripts that can be used by the Ansible API, Ansible Playbooks, or Ansible Galaxy.

For a more comprehensive version of this blog post, please refer to the previous entry where you can find a thorough and hands-on rephrasing of the content:

Create 3 Instances on AWS EC2 with the following names:

  • Ansible_Master_Server

  • Node_1

  • Node_2

Screenshot from 2023-08-26 22-37-15

Installation of Ansible on AWS EC2 (Master Node)

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible
sudo chmod 777
sudo ./

Screenshot from 2023-08-26 21-07-38

ansible --version

Screenshot from 2023-08-26 22-03-06

Create SSH key on Master Node

cd ~/.ssh

Screenshot from 2023-08-26 22-05-56

What is a Hosts file?

  • In the context of Ansible, a host file (also known as an inventory file) is configuration file used to define and organize the list of target hosts that Ansible should manage.

Where is the Hosts file located?

  • Ansible uses this file to map target hosts to managed nodes. The host file is usually located in /etc/ansible/hosts.

  • So, open the host file and add the IP addresses of the Nodes:

sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
Node_1 ansible_host= <Public IP-Adddress of Node-1>
Node_2 ansible_host= <Public IP-Adddress of Node-2>



Now we will ping the Node server using Master Node by pasting the public SSH key of Master Node to the Node server.

# Open Node_1
cd /home/ubuntu/.ssh
vim authorized_keys


# Open Node_2
cd /home/ubuntu/.ssh
vim authorized_keys


What is the Ansible Playbook?

  • Ansible playbooks run multiple tasks, assign roles, and define configurations, deployment steps, and variables. If you’re using multiple servers, Ansible playbooks organize the steps between the assembled machines or servers and get them organized and running in the way the users need them to. Consider playbooks as the equivalent of instruction manuals.

  • It allows you to describe the desired state of your systems and applications in a declarative manner, and Ansible takes care of executing the necessary tasks to achieve that state.

  • Ansible playbooks are written in YAML. YAML is a human-readable data serialization language. It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted.

  • YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language. It is a human-readable data serialization language and is commonly used for configuration files, but it can be used in many applications where data is being stored or transmitted.

How to create an Ansible Playbook?

  • An Ansible playbook is a structured and human-readable document written in YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) that defines a set of tasks and configurations to be performed on remote servers. Playbooks are the heart of Ansible automation and allow you to define the desired state of your systems and applications.

  • YAML Syntax: Playbooks are written in YAML format, which is a human-readable markup language. YAML uses indentation and colons to structure data hierarchically. Indentation is crucial in YAML to define the nesting levels of data.

  • Play: A playbook starts with a list of plays. Each play targets a specific group of hosts and defines a set of tasks to be executed on those hosts.

  • name: A user-friendly name for the play.

  • hosts: The group(s) of hosts this play will target. Host groups are defined in the inventory file.

  • become: Indicates whether privilege escalation is required to perform tasks (using sudo).

  • tasks: List of tasks to be executed in this play.

For Example;

- name: My First Playbook
  hosts: web_servers
  become: yes
    # Tasks will be defined here
    - name: Ensure Nginx is installed
      name: nginx
      state: present
  • name: A description of the task.

  • module: The Ansible module to use for the task (e.g., apt, yum, file, copy, etc.).

  • module_arguments: Arguments specific to the module being used.

Create a playbook to install Nginx

  • Installing Nginx using Playbook:
    name: Installing Nginx using Playbook
    hosts: all
    become: yes
      - name: Install Nginx
          command: nginx -y
      - name: Start and enable Nginx
          name: nginx
          state: started
          enabled: yes

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 12-39-03

  • Output of the above playbook:

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 12-39-14

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 12-39-35

  • Checking the status of Nginx on one of the Node_server
service nginx status

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 12-40-24

nginx -v

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 12-41-17

Deploy a sample webpage using the Ansible playbook.

cd playbook
# Put any index.html file in the playbook folder
sudo vim index.html

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 13-43-08

  • Modify the playbook as follows:
    name: Installing Nginx using Playbook
    hosts: all
    become: yes
      - name: Install Nginx
          command: nginx -y
      - name: Start and enable Nginx
          name: nginx
          state: started
          enabled: yes
      - name: Creating Webpage
          src: index.html
          dest: /var/www/html/index.html

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 13-15-19

  • Output of the above playbook:

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 13-15-56

  • Now we will use the public IP address of the Node server to access the webpage.

Node_1 Output:

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 13-17-26

Node_2 Output:

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 13-17-31

Node_3 Output:

Screenshot from 2023-09-01 13-17-37

Thus we have successfully deployed a sample webpage using the Ansible playbook.

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